Anti slip walk on glass

Trevor Lalwani

Cleantalk Member

just had a customer mentioning she has this anti slip walk on gods in her home that’s dusty and is there anything I can do or advise them on?
She mentions they have tried a few things but no joy.

I have not come across this yet any ideas or tips welcomed.

cheers Trev


Jamie Biles

Cleantalk Member
I be inclined say moist xr hand pad followed by dry microfiber. Is this for them to maintain DIY or a paid clean by you. Or do they want to stop it getting so dusty :dunno: had customer many years ago had 2nd floor very large bathroom covered in it with a stream running beneath,weird feeling while cleaning.

Trevor Lalwani

Cleantalk Member
Hi Jamie, I think a paid clean then they will try and gleam the knowledge and manage themselves. Last think I want to do is pull up any non slip aspect to the glass.

sounds pretty cool though! 2nd floor bathroom! You’d just hop e that stream keeps running or you run the risk of the family having their tea whilst someone’a on the loo 🤣😂

Jamie Biles

Cleantalk Member
I'd imagine the 'anti slip' properties are more to with the surface as opposed to a product applied to it. Hence just treat as glass

Trevor Lalwani

Cleantalk Member
Hi Dave, I will be honest I know very little about this place or the glass/brickwork.

have you any experience with these at all? Cheers