Burnt On Fat And Carbon On Stainless Steel Hob

Dom Stevens

Cleantalk Member
I was asked to clean a stainless hob yesterday but the Astonish and Screwfix stainless cleaner just wouldn't touch the black stuff (left it to soak for a bit and then used a non-scratch pad). I really don't like cleaning stainless as it's just too easy too damage if you have to really scrub or use harsh cleaning agents. Anyone know what the answer is? Ubik 2000 was suggested for aluminium parts would this be the stuff for stainless as well?

Chris Carter

Cleantalk Member
Stainless is a pain, You need to remove the carbon (or thin it out) Before using any paste. If you are very careful you can blade it off then paste and finish with oil for a shine. Light scratches can be removed( or well reduced ) with paste.

Dom Stevens

Cleantalk Member
Thanks again Chris, i was wondering what sort of paste you use? Astonish? The customer said they used Persil and that worked. Is it just Baby Oil you use?

Dom Stevens

Cleantalk Member
A customer told me the other day that she uses biological (clothes) washing powder to clean her stainless steel hob. As it's bio it contains no bleach so doesn't harm the stainless. Does this sound like any better idea than using Astonish Paste? Anyone tried it?

Mike Jones

Cleantalk Member
I agree that some light blading is fine for thick crusty carbon, and steel wool with the grain is fine.....I tend to use fingertips to get maximum control.

John Bolton

Cleantalker Veteran

The enzymes in the laundry detergent would break down some of the non-carbonised fats and protenous spillages but would have very limited effect on anything carbonised.

More suited to the maintenance cleaning by Mrs Housewife than what is expected of the professional.